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Shenyang Zhangming Chemical Co.,Ltd


Address:Zhangyizhan Town,Economic and Technology Development Zone,Shenyang,Liaoning,China

Post code:110177





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Provide more quality green products

By 2016, Zhang Ming Chemical Co., Ltd. has gone through 32 years of production and operation. After the 2008 economic crisis and other complex and changeful market environment, Zhang Ming will be the new chemical factory production as an opportunity to further optimize the product structure, improve the level of technology, improve the technology content, to provide more quality products for the majority of users of green environmental protection. At the same time, the company also increased investment in the development and production of new products. In order to promote the economic benefits of enterprises, so that it can be stable and healthy development.

Zhang Ming chemical industry takes innovation as the motive force and takes responsibility as the development direction. Chairman Zhang Ming said that in the future the company will vigorously carry out the green design, green production, green manufacturing and green supply chain, promoting the life cycle management of petrochemical products, guide the enterprises to vigorously carry out energy-saving and emission reduction, pollution prevention, recycling economy and clean production, occupation health, community communication, green sustainable development the idea of landing in the enterprise. Out of a low consumption, high technology content, good quality and efficiency of the new petrochemical industry road, truly realize the development mode to green low-carbon security transformation.

For the company's development vision, Zhang Ming, chairman of the view that the company belongs to the production scale of medium-sized enterprises, the future goal is to qualify for the national large-scale enterprises, "we must realize the propylene industry chain stretching, radiation products to various industries, all fronts. On the basis of the current Suzhou base, Guangzhou base, Chengdu base, Shenyang headquarters base, seaport city Panjin base, the company should further expand the base scale." Recently, Zhang Ming Panjin Institute of chemical industry and the purchase of land 210 thousand square meters of Chemical Industrial Park as propylene industry base, Huajin Group will rely on 17 million tons refinery propylene raw materials to realize the ambition to provide.

Green chemical industry and circular economy, respect human nature, nature is the ultimate pursuit of a Minghua workers life and growth in nature.

Zhang Ming chemical industry is adhering to the "innovation driven, green development" train of thought, stride forward, for our early realization of the dream of coatings power continue to make new contributions!